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El. paštas
(Slaptažodis ištrynimui / redagavimui)


Hungary Anonimas  Nr.36

Why so many jews pretend to be Lithuanian and can't even speak language?

Prove that you are actually right now Lithuanian, you fucking nigger, and don't just type language 'cause that would be easy to fake.

Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.39

tavo močia yra pidiku pisimo filmuotoja

Belarus Anonimas  Nr.46

1682448305040.jpg (133,27 KB, 884x1080, jude.jpg)

Lithuanian does not equal žamojtian. They could be jews from Belarus since Belarusians also clam Lithuanian identity.

1671356651772.png (515,81 KB, 542x544, FkB_zvQXwAAPovE.png)

Malta Anonimas  Nr.41

What is up, my lithuunian niggers?

Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.42

1671372639300.gif (1,66 MB, 300x192, 1573322826844(1).gif)

Who are you talking to blud?!

France PEroDAS  Nr.43

1675946987457.mp4 (860,52 KB, 348x640, document_52715504700689049….mp4)


Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.44

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So true

Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.45

Stop posting cheese pizza

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