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/int/ - Internacionalus

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El. paštas
(Slaptažodis ištrynimui / redagavimui)


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Finland Anonimas  Nr.157

Greetings! Our finnish imageboards /int/ is in desperate need for some cultural enrichment. Drop by to say hi and maybe throw a meme or two if you have a chance. Achoo in advance! https://minilauta.org/int/

Poland Anonimas  Nr.158

virus dont click

Finland Anonimas  Nr.159

1715084924239.png (54,86 KB, 346x554, Nyn consider Nazrin.png)

not a virus, click

YouTube vaizdo įrašas. Spustelėkite, kad paleistumėte.

Anonimas  Nr.153

any kind fren who'd write me out lyrics of this song or provide some link? cant find it anywhere
inb4 gtfo to int last post was like 2 weeks ago so posting it here to actually get noticed by anyone, jannie will move it later anyway

Anonimas  Nr.154

Kai pilnatis atsėlino slapčia,
Širdys iš baimės suvirpėjo.
Tavuos namuos buveinė siaubo vėjo,
Susirenka ten raganos ir angelai nakčia.
O tamsoje dar juodos rožės sušlamėjo,
Tu pabudai ir supratai, esu šalia.
Esu šalia, esu šalia.
O, o, o....

Verbatim translation:

When the full moon came out secretly,
The hearts shook with fear.
Wind live's inside your home,
Witches and angels gather there.
Įrašas per ilgas. Norėdamas pamatyti visą tekstą, spausk čia.

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Japan Anonimas  Nr.8

26 žinutės(-ių) ir 13 failai(-ų) nerodomos(-a). Norėdamas peržiūrėti spausk 'Atsakyti'.

Brazil Anonimas  Nr.91


Chupa o meu pau. xD

Anonimas  Nr.142


Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.143


Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.144

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cute anime bunny girl

Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.145

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Anonimas  Nr.139

Anonimas  Nr.140

brudas smoluch

Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.141

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'jeet on the 'oard

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Poland Anonimas  Nr.88

can somebody write text 4 this song ? i can't find this anywhere
2 žinutės(-ių) ir 2 failai(-ų) nerodomos(-a). Norėdamas peržiūrėti spausk 'Atsakyti'.

Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.92

cj tsg mymas is polandball bv, nes ten lenkijos veliava visada aukstyn kojom

Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.93

aha panasu, jog tu teisus

Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.94

Here you go pan Przekowicz-san:

Labas vakaras, ponios ir ponai                   | Good evening, ladies and gentlemen
Labas vakaras, gerbiami televizijos žiūrovai | Good evening, honourable television viewers
Tėvynė pavojuje | The homeland is in danger
Tėviškėlė pavojuje | The homeland [diminutive form] is in danger
Koks vakaras tylus ir šiandien man gera | What a quiet night and today it is good for me
(???) (???) (???) užtraukime dainelė | (???) (???) (???) let's sing a song
Po biški mėsytė(?) ir balta varnelė | A bit of meat(?) and a white crow
Šiandien paskraidysime tra-lia-lia-lia | Today we'll fly tra-la-la-la
Iš lauku ir kloniu | From fields and valleys
Miestu ir kaimeliu | Cities and villages
Nepaprastai malonu | It is unusually pleasant
Įrašas per ilgas. Norėdamas pamatyti visą tekstą, spausk čia.

Poland Anonimas  Nr.137

not him but I also have autism so thanks

Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.138

>(???) (???) (???) užtraukime dainelė
Kai nučiuožia stogas užtraukiam dainelę

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Poland Anonimas  Nr.118

Vilnus belongs to Poland. Give it back.

1708541419192.jpg (118,83 KB, 1280x720, 240221174033127630.jpg)

Anonimas  Nr.126

no w końcu sprzątnięte
limit trzydziestu znaków cośtam

Anonimas  Nr.127

1708541851728.jpg (50,53 KB, 736x724, 240211200426827992.jpg)

Glory to the unstoppable Jan Dynamin
wilchan.org will fuck you all up

Anonimas  Nr.128

1708543122296.jpg (3,73 KB, 126x126, 1229643996541s.jpg)

>>127: I wanted to post this in your 370 thread, but can't be bothered to get a polish proxy at the moment:
"alio alio, rodzimy 370 anon zglaša šie tutaj! been very long time since ive been to wilchan, good times... ^.^"
Autorius redagavo šią žinutę. Ankstesnės šios žinutės versijos:
>>9447: wanted to post this in your 370 thread, but can't be bothered to get a polish proxy at the moment:
"alio alio, rodzimy 370 anon zglaša šie tutaj! been very long time since ive been to wilchan, good times... ^.^"

Anonimas  Nr.129

>Jie galvoja, kad reidina šitą negyvą, lavoniena dvokiantį čiongą.

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Anonimas  Nr.130

wszystkie webmy idolkowe zostały zabetonowane w generalach
to koniec

Anonimas  Nr.131

1708541974588.jpg (27,49 KB, 326x316, afghanisu-tan & pakisu-tan.jpg)

mmmda to smutny stan rzečy, od dlužšego času. Siedze tutaj, bo nie mam gdzie indziej byč.
>>9444: možeš go mieč, ješli chceš. To zabawne, my (a przynajmniej niektorzy z nas) nie lubimy go ščegolnie, a vedlug polskich standardov byloby to kuso-tier miasto...

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Russian Federation Anonimas  Nr.117

Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink Oink

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United States Does Lithuania have good weed? Anonimas  Nr.114


Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.115


Lithuania Anonimas  Nr.116

1705149380446.mp4 (3,44 MB, 512x512, Waifus.mp4)

Most of the weed in Lithuania comes from Spain, Germany or UK. Spain weed is generally alright, although would still be considered mid-shelf. Germany and UK though (imo) is pretty sketchy and probably sprayed with some shit so I stay away. You can usually tell by the buds being extremely sticky and rock-hard, but only on the surface, sus colours and some fucked up strain name like "Nigga giga zombie omega femboy kush" that doesn't even exist and appeal to dumb zoomers. The prices are pretty steep unless you buy in bigger quantities, especially for cali weed (most of it is fake cali too, including thc carts), but as long as you find a good vendor it's alright and doesnt stray too far from the rest of Europe.

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